Saturday, October 24, 2009

Tatum's new haircut

Yes, this our little, silly Tatum. She is wearing a diaper, 3 pairs of Dora underwear and Mom's shoes. Don't worry, this is a very special occasion you won't find Tatum undressed very often. We had bought Tatum a potty and some underpants and she wanted to try them all on. The problem in this picture is the poor girl can't see. I finally had to break down and cut Tatum some bangs. I really didn't want to but the poor girl kept pulling her hair things out and then had to hold her head up to the ceiling to peak through her bangs. I would always say, "why does her hair grow like a mullet and so much of it fall forward?" Well, I cut her bangs and had a sort of flashback like, whoa she looks like me. So I pulled out the baby pictures and got my answer. She definitely got the mullet from me.


Brynn said...

she is so cute, she makes me laugh, love the hair and I think she really does look like you!

Miss you & loves.

Clayton Val Bowen said...

Holy moly!! Talk about look a like!! Oh, and I think about that kitty story w/ Tatum and laugh randomly. So funny (: