Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Some Christmas fun so far.......

We got the kiddos dressed-up for church on Sunday in their new Christmas attire.

Tatum looked so cute in her little Asian dress I had to get a full length picture of it. I tried to make her hair look a little Asian too.
These two are too cute. Tayson looks so grown-up to me.

We decided to make gingerbread (graham cracker) houses (they were out of molasses at the commissary) for family home evening a couple weeks ago. We had a great time. In the end, Jay's is the only one that remained standing. The rest of ours had gone through some sort of natural disaster and about half-way through decorating decided to collapse. Tayson likes to show his off and say that it went through an earthquake.

Each year on Kadena Air Base, they have a fun Tinsel Town celebration with Santa, a parade and some fun activities for the kids.

What a goofball. Gotta love that kid. He's so much like his dad. He had to pose each time he reached the top. We were laughing pretty hard. For some reason he got an extra long turn. He either looked like he was having way too much fun and no one wanted to spoil it or they were just as entertained as we were.

Tatum could see Santa sitting in his little house while we were in line and starting saying, "No, No, No" in a very frantic voice. Needless to say, she is terrified of Santa and about had a heart attack when we tried to sit on his lap again at the Branch Christmas party a week after this. Tayson was funny. In line he kept saying that he couldn't decide between 2 lego sets that he wanted. Mind you, the elves had already started working on one of them. Once he got onto Santa's lap he totally spaced what he wanted to say and it kind of reminded me of "A Christmas Story" moment. Thankfully Mom was there for the rescue and reminded him that he wanted the Indiana Jones Temple of Doom lego set. Whew!!!!

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