Thursday, June 18, 2009

Jay's 28th Birthday- June 5th

If you noticed, Jay is wearing one of the funny shirts that he got here. We love finding shirts or hats with silly sayings on them. They don't make sense and that's what makes them so awesome.

Jay had a fun birthday. He got his big present before his birthday, so there wasn't much to open. Jay got a new skateboard and we went to the skatepark to try them out. Too bad I forgot the camera. Tayson was practicing on his too. I gave it a try and showed them both a trick or two. Like being able to ride and turn corners and flip my board off my toes and land on top (I'm really good). After that, we went to dinner and Jay ordered some steak and lobster. Always nice to have a special treat. We then took the kids to a neighbors house and went to the movies. We saw Terminator, Salvation. It was pretty good. All in all it was a nice day and I think Jay enjoyed it.


Brynn said...

Happy Birthday Jay!!! LOVE the shirt!

Kaci said...

Wow, Kara, your kids are getting so big......all three of them! :) Sure do miss you guys around here!