Friday, December 10, 2010

Tayson's 1st Flag Football Practice

Last week was Tayson's 1st Flag Football practice. He's been so excited to start and he is doing pretty well at it. He can throw a nice spiral and does really well dodging the other players. Tatum had a great time at Tayson's practice too. She was playing in puddles and getting kind of muddy. It's nice to let her just explore in a big open area during his practices. Now we sit a lot closer to his practices, so we'll get better pictures later on. I'm really excited to cheer him on in his games. I'll probably be that crazy mom cheering on her kid after every play. I've always wanted to be that mom.

1 comment:

Kaci said...

You are such a nice mom! I am the mom yelling at my kid to get OUT of the mud puddles......not taking pictures of how cute they are getting all disgustingly filthy! Your way definitely makes for better memories.