Thursday, February 21, 2008


Okay, so Tayson loves my upper arms and calls them his squooshies.  He likes to rub, squeeze, kiss and wrap them around him.  Of course I don't like the idea of my upper arms being called squooshies but he loves them so much I just play along.  The other day he was, once again, loving my arms and he said, "How come my squooshies keep getting bigger and bigger?  I explained that when I'm pregnant I get rounder everywhere not just my belly.  Then he says, "I remember them when I was three and they looked just like this."  All I can say is kids can be very motivating, so the second this baby is born I'm hitting the gym in hopes that squooshies will be long gone even if it means breaking Tayson's little heart.


Brynn said...

Squooshies ha ha ha love it!!!! That is too hilarious, from the mouths of babes right???? Updates on the baby? I have been so curious as to your due date and how you are doing!

Jerry and Maaret said...

wow... kids have a way of being brutally honest in a totally innocent manner... wish I could do that.

MVP Family said...

Honesty! Gotta love it!

Becky said...

Ricky and I love this blog, it is hilarious! We miss you and hope all goes well with the delivery! Keep us 'posted'!