Monday, May 5, 2008

2 Month Checkup

Last week we had Tatum's 2 month checkup.  She is now 12 lbs.  She is growing so fast.  After she had her shots, Tayson and I were walking toward the pharmacy and I said, "We need to go down here to the pharmacy to get some tylenol for Tatum. "  Tayson said, "These guys down here don't like Jesus very much".  Then I said, "Really, how come?"  Then he, being such a smart little guy said, "yea, the pharmacies didn't believe what he said, so they hung him on the cross".  Of course I couldn't help but laugh and said "I think you mean pharisees".  Tayson surprises me all the time with how much he knows.  What a cutie.  


Brynn said...

I'm glad Tatum is getting big and doing well. Always hate the checkups, shot stink! Tayson is hilarious, just like his Dad!
Loves, Brynn

Jerry and Maaret said...

HAHAHAHA!!!! That is hilarious! Definately one for the recod books. What a funny kid!

k- said...

i laughed so hard when i read that. we had a similar experience. so we just started going to church again and it was easter and on the ride home lucky said "mom, a guy died. he died from x's on his hands. and it was three days ago." so we were totally laughing, then she got really serious and said "and he was in his UNDERWEAR!" so that's how that is!

MVP Family said...

Wow! I am impressed. What a smart kid. Funny how we don't even think they are paying any attention.