Sunday, November 2, 2008

Forest Adventure

Last Friday, Jay and I were lucky enough to be able to help out with Youth Conference.  We went with the kids to Forest Adventure and it was a blast.  It's a park were you do zip lines and obstacle courses, stuff like that.  This video is of Jay doing the Tarzan jump.  We both really had fun doing this one.  I didn't post the videos of me because I just look like a big dork.  We were able to go through it twice too and all the kids were jealous.  They had a rule about 1 adult per 2 kids.  One of the greatest things about this place is they don't have the restrictions like in the states.  There are no nets and at one point you are 60 feet above the ground, so there is a little more excitement and thrill to it all, but don't worry they take every precaution to keep us safe.  Thanks to Candace for watching our kids and letting us go have some crazy fun.  I am all bruised up but it was worth it.  


Jerry and Maaret said...

That looks like a BLAST!!! What fun!

Daymon and Shannon Swensen said...

oh come on now. Show the video of you. You can't look like that big of a dork, the camera's too far away to see your facial expressions. Show it. I want to do that.